Quote Of The Year

Timeless Quotes - Sadly The Late Paul Shetler - "Its not Your Health Record it's a Government Record Of Your Health Information"


H. L. Mencken - "For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong."

Friday, January 07, 2022

The ADHA Spinners Never Rest It Would Seem.

 This appeared last week:

Alliance Friends provide views on My Health Record

Tuesday, 29 June 2021

The Alliance has taken a ‘pulse’ survey of people passionate about rural health to collate their views on the Australian Government’s My Health Record.

The majority of responders among the Alliance Friends group said they were aware of the digital service and many highlighted benefits of the platform, such as helping to overcome the barriers of distance.

CEO Gabrielle O’Kane presented the findings of the survey to the My Health Record Symposium: Progress and Possibilities online event on 17 June 2021. Friends reported benefits such as having access to up-to-date information and health data in an emergency; enabling easy access when travelling; and allowing the sharing of information between rural and remote health professionals.

One respondent said, ‘The record is authoritative, secure and I have confidence in it. It equalises the tyranny of distance – I feel the medical equal of others and just as important. I know if I travelled anywhere that any rural or city hospital/provider could access my life&death information equally’.

Concerns included privacy and data security, ease-of-use and uptake by health professionals and a lack of cultural considerations. Friends saw the opportunity for greater engagement with remote Indigenous communities, as well as education about My Health Record within the secondary school curriculum.

More here:


Don’t you love it!. All the benefits that are claimed in paras. 3 and 4 depend on there being the data in the record and we all know how many are near empty of curated and properly reviewed clinical material!

Further on we get the negatives. Hard to use if people bother, security and privacy concerns, lack of cultural sensitivity and so it goes on. And is the final note we see the survey was run by the ADHA.

When will be actually see some real evidence of clinical use and value do you reckon? We are into the second decade of this farce!



G. Carter said...

Call me cynical but this sounds manufacture- One respondent said, ‘The record is authoritative, secure and I have confidence in it. It equalises the tyranny of distance – I feel the medical equal of others and just as important. I know if I travelled anywhere that any rural or city hospital/provider could access my life&death information equally’.

Bernard Robertson-Dunn said...

re: "The record is authoritative..."

This is from the original PCEHR Concept of Operation. AFAIK, the original design has never been modified, even though it was never fully implemented (e.g. there are are no conformant repositories). - Note the last phrase "rather than as the complete and authoritative source of current information."

Key design features of the PCEHR System are explained below

The PCEHR System:

is a source of selected clinical data and documents – in addition to a Shared Health Summary in each PCEHR (which contains basic health data about an individual), clinical documents may be added to that individual’s PCEHR.

And not

a replacement for normal sharing of information between an individual and their healthcare provider – as currently occurs in medical practice, existing medical records are used as the starting point for the discussion about the individual’s health, rather than as the complete and authoritative source of current information.