Monday, May 17, 2010

AusHealthIT Man Poll Number 19 – Results – 17 May, 2010.

The question was:

Will The Health IT Funds Provided in the Budget be Adequate, Well Targeted, Strategic and Appropriate?


For Certain

- 2 (5%)


- 6 (15%)

Don't Know

- 1 (2%)

Just Possibly

- 3 (7%)

Almost Certainly Not

- 26 (68%)

Votes : 38


This is a pretty clear result. There is major scepticism that the e-Health spending will be well managed with 75% not at all sure!

Again, many thanks to all those who voted



  1. Dr Ian ColcloughMay 17, 2010 11:51 AM

    I think today's new question is problematic in that if $476 Million is used the way it has been used in the past it will not make the difference everyone would like to see forthcoming. Sadly, there is every chance the bulk of that money will be wasted and continuing to pour more money in the same direction is not the answer.

    The right answer lies in using the money differently from the way in which it has been used previously. Then we will not only see some major achievements there will be more than enough change left over for the celebrations.

  2. Plenty of us are attempting to engage government in a meaningful manner, but sadly.......nobody is at home.
    The bureaucrats should be working on the door at nightclubs.That is to say, they only let those in that aren't going to threaten their own positions.
    Herein lies the problem, government is taking the wrong advice from the wrong people.

  3. Ian Colclough said "The right answer lies in using the money differently from the way in which it has been used previously."

    Absolutely correct, but the trick is to know in what way it can be used to maximise really good outcomes and as Gary says "Herein lies the problem, government is taking the wrong advice from the wrong people". Never was a truer word spoken.

    This is the kind of thinking the Minister Roxon needs to embrace.
