Saturday, February 04, 2012

Timings And Cast For Public Hearings on the Senate Enquiry on The PCEHR.

This has recently been announced:
Personally Controlled Electronic Health Records Bill 2011 and one related bill
Public hearing - Canberra, Monday 6 February 2012
Committee Room 2S3, Parliament House, Canberra
Australian Medical Association (via teleconference) (Submission 43)
Dr Steve Hambleton, President
Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health (Submission 8) together with Aboriginal Health Council of Western Australia (Submission 13)
Mr Rod Wellington, Chief Executive Officer, SARRAH
Dr Pendo Mwaiteleke, Principal Policy Officer, AHCWA
Consumer Health Forum of Australia (Submission 7)
Ms Carol Bennett, Chief Executive Officer
Medical Software Industry Association (Submission 46)
Ms Bridget Kirkham, Chief Executive Officer
Consumers e-Health Alliance (Submission 37)
Mr Peter Brown, Convenor
Australian Privacy Foundation (Submission 10)
Dr Juanita Fernando, Chair, Health Sub Committee
Lunch break
Metro North Brisbane Medicare Local
Ms Abbe Anderson, Chief Executive Officer, Metro North Brisbane Medicare Local
Mr Mark Gibson, eHealth Manager, Health Industry Exchange
Mr Adam McCloud, Director, E-Health and Business Strategy, Inner Melbourne East Medicare Local
National eHealth Transition Authority (Submission 2)
Department of Health and Ageing (Submission 17)


Here is the web site link.
I understand it will be possible to watch and listen from this link.
I commend this to all who have the time.


  1. Dear Senators do you know the answers to the following questions?

    Who are the nation's eHealth leaders? Jane Halton?, Mukesh Haikerwal?, Peter Flemming?, Andrew Howard?

    Right people?
    Wrong people?
    Anyone missing?

    What credentials are needed to be a leader in eHealth?

  2. I suppose that doing nothing will be seen as the preferred alternative to what is happening now, however in my view, doing nothing is probably preferable to trying to put in place a system that has so little chance of succeeding.

    If some level of success with our current eHealth programmes weren't so important to so many peoples' enjoyment of day to day life, it would be interesting just to sit back and watch the train-smash. However we cant do that.

    The dilemma is what to do next. Saying "the emperor has no clothes" and being identified as doing so is more than a "career limiting move", it is the end of your career in eHealth.

    Here's hoping that our honorable senators can see what is really happening and do something about it.

  3. "The dilemma is what to do next. Saying "the emperor has no clothes" and being identified as doing so is more than a "career limiting move", it is the end of your career in eHealth."

    Maybe in the short term there is pain. But speaking truth to power is the foundation of democracy, and longer term truth tellers who are dispassionate, and not partisan, can flourish.

    And a career in ehealth is not dependent on government support. It is not a Stalinist state we live in.

    Speak the truth. Plainly. Calmly. And do not make it personal, or about people, but simply about what is right and wrong. Going for people makes it personal and makes it appear partisan.

    Good luck tomorrow truth tellers.

  4. I don't think any of those people are eHealth leaders. I anything they are the problem rather than the solution. They did not think of anything important to eHealth, they know nothing about the details of eHealth and if the money they have wasted had been spend in a sensible way, with a tiny PR budget rather than Nehtas Yes Minister way of working, we would be on the road to a solid future. All spin and no substance. Leaders lead, they control the spin and do little else.

  5. I think the first comments are confusing "Management" with "Leadership" and they are not the same. I am afraid all we have is management meandering off the path and into the weeds, but they don't even realise that. No one is leading this circus.
