Sunday, May 17, 2015

AusHealthIT Poll Number 270 – Results – 17th May, 2015.

Here are the results of the poll.

Should The Government Spend $485Million Over 4 Years On An Opt-Out PCEHR?

Yes 29% (36)

No 66% (83)

I Have No Idea 5% (6)

Total votes: 125

A convincing majority (66%) think they should not spend the money!

Good to see such a great number of responses!

Again, many, many thanks to all those that voted!



  1. Hi David,

    Your latest poll has no responses that I can vote for. I want the government to stop trying to do eHealth themselves with my tax money. They have proven they have no idea. I don't want NEHTA and I don't want their next organisation!!!

  2. New updated poll to allow choice to just stop it!


  3. Dr Ian ColcloughMay 17, 2015 12:11 PM

    May 17, 2015 9:49 AM needs to appreciate this is a no win situation for bureaucracy.

    1. They know they have to disband NEHTA without attracting too much flack over having frittered away $1 billion.

    2. They cannot see any alternative other than to establish some other entity to replace NEHTA.

    3. They think that if they disband NEHTA and not replace it with another entity it becomes a case of Heads I lose Tails you win.

    4. The problem is that while 1 is correct they do not understand, and the processes by which they Govern do not allow them to explore, consider, and introduce any alternative way of thinking about and approaching the dilemma confronting them. In fact they cannot even conceive that there might possibly be an alternative way. Compounding this is the fact that bureaucratic thinking and advice being offered to the Minister is heavily laden with the bureaucrats' need to preserve their jobs in the new bureaucracy.
