Sunday, May 24, 2015

AusHealthIT Poll Number 271 – Results – 24th May, 2015.

Here are the results of the poll.

Do You Agree With The Decision To Replace NEHTA With A New Australian E-Health Commission? (Updated)

Yes 27% (31)

No 47% (54)

I Want Neither Funded By Government 22% (25)

I Have No Idea 4% (5)

Total votes: 115

What an interesting outcome. Lots do not agree NEHTA should be replaced with a Commission but then also a lot want the Government out of the scene altogether.

I think I need a better poll to sort this out!

Good to see such a great number of responses!

Again, many, many thanks to all those that voted!



  1. Lol David love the new poll choice. "No I want more government" hahaha

    I guess we need to give the nehtians a voice! (Unlike they do for industry!)

  2. I have to assume that your latest poll is asking specifically about Federal Government participation in eHealth Records, not government generally in eHealth generally.

  3. No,

    I am talking about all aspects of e-Health other than the standards, regulation and services that require Govt. involvement.

    I want them to let our industry just get on with things!


  4. In that case I need to change my vote. It is not possible for state government run hospitals and health departments to get out of running eHealth systems.

  5. Sorry,

    I was talking Federal Govt. Clearly States / Territories need to run operational systems for their hospitals and clinics

    The Feds don't have operational care delivery responsibilities - but clearly need admin systems.

    My view is that we need DoH and NEHTA mostly out of our hair!

