Sunday, July 26, 2015

AusHealthIT Poll Number 280 – Results – 26th July, 2015.

Here are the results of the poll.

Do You Believe There Has Been A Proper Assessment Of The Risks To Patient Privacy Associated With The Change In The PCEHR To Opt-Out?

Yes 4% (7)

Maybe 2% (3)

Neutral 18% (32)

Probably Not 46% (83)

No 30% (54)

I Have No Idea 1% (1)

Total votes: 180

Looks like another fail to me. It seems most do not believe proper assessment has been done.

Good to see such a great number of responses!

Again, many, many thanks to all those that voted!


1 comment:

  1. At What you should expect from your GP Steve Hambleton commented
    ... the PCEHR works well today and could carry your health summary and make it available to all of your registered health care providers.
