Friday, July 10, 2015

It Looks Like NEHTA Is Just Quitting Doing Things At A Rapid Rate!

This appeared a few days ago.

NEHTA reduces time and effort for vendors connecting to the PCEHR

Created on Wednesday, 01 July 2015
The National E-Health Transition Authority (NEHTA) has today published revised guidelines for software vendors that will reduce the time and effort of integrating their products with the Personally Controlled E-Health Records (PCEHR).
The Conformance, Compliance and Accreditation (CCA) Governance Group and NEHTA have listened to and acted on feedback from the health software industry and state and territory governments about the need to make this process quicker and more accessible.
However, vendors have previously undergone a ‘Conformance, Compliance and Accreditation (CCA) process’ to obtain approval to connect to the PCEHR which involved NEHTA observing vendor self-assessments. Under the new guidelines, from 1 July 2015, NEHTA will no longer observe vendor self-assessments. Instead, vendors will ‘self-declare’ conformance to PCEHR specifications directly to the Department of Health as PCEHR System Operator under a new ‘Conformance, Compliance and Declaration (CCD) process’.
Help and assistance will continue to be available from NEHTA to guide software vendors confidently through the new process.
These changes are intended to improve the timeliness and affordability of connecting to the PCEHR for vendors by leveraging existing software development and processes within vendors and implementing organisations. NEHTA will continue to provide support to vendors and implementers through expert staff advice, as well as an improved website and testing tools.
Connection requirements for conformance and compliance with non-PCEHR services, for example HI Service and Notice of Connection requirements for the PCEHR will remain unchanged.
For more information visit:
Here is the link:
I probably don’t understand but having people ‘self-declare’ really sounds like a major cop-out!
If NEHTA is not going to check what is going on and is going to speed things up one really wonders what they were doing before the change. Just being pests or what?
Really, really odd and seems like there is a move down some large plughole happening at high speed.


  1. So no Strategy, questionable architecture practices and now CCA, I think the plug hole is more a sinkhole being used as a bunker, I am glad DoH are stripping things like CCA and engagements away, surely they can't hangon to those responsible for strategy and architecture services and expect the new commission to be take seriously. Start clearing the old executives out of head office and give the staff and stakeholders some hope, maybe then we will come back Minister.

  2. Maybe they realised NEHTA specifications, sample code and Schematron don,t necessarily matchup with CCA so are just giving up.

  3. This is a bit of a tautology but because NEHTA has demonstrated on multiple occasions it never has been any good at doing things there really is nothing for NEHTA to quit doing. All it really needs to do is to continue doing what it has always done NOTHING of any Help to anyone.

  4. Well I hope the retain the CCA team members on at NeHTA they provide invaluable in the past guiding us through the maze of conformance, it's was hard work and frustrating but with their help it resulted in a decent outcome.

  5. This seems a reasonable step for NEHTA. Seems to me to be NEHTA has provided testing resources for vendors that cover CDA testing, clinically valid data amongst the testing capabilities. I have not seen the workflow but looks like testing will cover software testing and ensure no clinical safety risks are introduced. Seems a bold move in accountability. Congratulations to the IT manager for pulling it together can have been easy in that place.
