Sunday, August 16, 2015

AusHealthIT Poll Number 283 – Results – 16th August, 2015.

Here are the results of the poll.

Which Organisation Best Represents The Interests Of Those Working In and Concerned About The Future Of E-Health?

The Australian College Of Health Informatics (ACHI) 23% (29)

The Health Informatics Society Of Australia (HISA) 6% (7)

The Health Information Management Association of Australia (HIMAA) 1% (1)

NEHTA 9% (11)

The E-Health Branch Of DOH 0% (0)

All Of The Above 35% (44)

None Of The Above 17% (22)

Some Other Organisation 5% (6)

I Have No Idea 5% (6)

Total votes: 126

I will leave readers to take what they want from the poll. It was the most split vote I have ever seen. ACHI, All Of The Above And None Of the Above seem to feature but no real clarity seems to emerge.

I have a feeling the poll may reflect reader affiliations - so will ask the question at some point.

Good to see such a great number of responses!

Again, many, many thanks to all those that voted!


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