Tuesday, June 21, 2016

From The Hopeless Lacking Connectivity Site - The Labor Party Has Just Gone Stupid!

I am not partisan but all who read here know payments systems are different from other Health IT Systems and different again from Medicare overall.

It seems this time the Labor Party have really gone over the top in the Privatising issue, merging the idea of a obtaining a privately operated payment system with the privatising of Medicare itself. We need a new payment system for Medicare before the old one dies! Nothing else. Who would want to own a system that just pays out money to service providers?

Both parties understand this so I have no idea what the fuss and political contention is. Both parties have agreed on the need for a new payment system! The Labor Party seems to be just trying to confuse and scare people.

Pity the general public don't understand just what this scare campaign lacks in realism and reality from an IT perspective.

Really, really sad....

The quality of public debate is just so awful......


p.s I probably won't be back till much later in the week or next week.



  1. In total agreement with your statements. Also the press need to stop playing the word games because it also shows them as having IQs less than fence posts and being non-critical in their reporting.

  2. Or maybe the media are just making them (all of the parties and their candidates and their polices) look stupid? They seem to like dumbing everything down so that they just only need to vote for the brand and the personality...
