Friday, October 20, 2017

Consumers Still Seem To Be Confident Their Doctors Who Are Technology Enabled Will Improve Their Care.

This appeared last week

Consumers Optimistic that EMRs will Improve Patient Care

October 9, 2017
by Rajiv Leventhal
About three-fourths of consumers in a recent survey believe that electronic medical records (EMRs) will improve the quality of healthcare in general.
The research from The Physicians Foundation, an organization seeking to empower physicians to lead in the delivery of quality and cost-efficient healthcare, included responses from more than 1,700 consumers. Eighty-five percent of respondents said they believe EMRs either help patient care a great deal (42 percent) or help somewhat (43 percent). Six percent of consumer respondents said that EMRs hurt patient care somewhat, with 2 percent reporting that they hurt patient care a great deal.
Further, 74 percent of consumers said they think EMRs will improve the quality of healthcare in general—up from 67 percent in the 2016 survey. Regarding access, 82 percent of respondents said they think all doctors should provide patients with EMR access, while 79 percent said they feel that all doctors should have EMR access themselves. But, 77 percent of those surveyed said that their doctor actually provides them with EMR access, compared to 66 percent in the previous year’s survey.
Overall, 85 percent of consumers said that technological advances in healthcare will greatly improve the quality of care patients receive. But 77 percent said they wish doctors would listen to patients more, with a little less than half of respondents (46 percent) noting that their doctor spends more time looking at his/her computer/tablet and less time looking at the patient.
More here with a link to the actual survey here:
So patients want their doctors to be using technology to provide better care but want more attention for themselves. Sounds perfectly rational to me.
They also want access to the EMR the doctor is using…not a pale, incomplete imitation I believe!

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