Sunday, August 25, 2024

It Has Been A Week I Could Have Done Without!

 I have to say it is good to be writing my Sunday blog this week. In the middle of the week there was a very real chance it may not have happened!

No sooner had I finished the lot for last week than I had an episode of  big time bleeding which resulted in a 5 day stay in the big hospital up the road where I once worked for a good few years many eons ago!

I have to say that on this occasion I was very, very grateful to the ambulance team who very swiftly got a very pale and rather unwell old man into the arms of the Ancient And Honourable St Leonards By The Railway where, despite the shortage, it was possible to administer some life-saving fluids and have me start to improve - while buying time for cross-matching a few bottles,of the high class claret to Red Cross so kindly provides in such dire circumstances!

Pleasingly the bleeding stopped quickly and I made it home by Friday - having been partially topped up, but still looking rather pale and wan I am told by everyone who sees me!

Of course there will be follow up to track down the source but I have to say I can happily not feel as crook again as I did with the initial episode for a very long while.

Blogs may be a bit irregular this week depending on recurrences etc.

Many,many thanks to all who made it possible for me to be typing to you this afternoon! I owe you one!!!



  1. Wishing you a speedy recovery David

  2. Bernard Robertson-DunnAugust 26, 2024 3:22 PM

    All the best, David.

  3. Well wishes David and a speedy recovery
