Sunday, September 08, 2024

AusHealthIT Poll Number 763 – Results – 08 September 2024.

Here are the results of the poll.

Is The RACGP Right To Be Very Nervous Of Government Moves Towards Capitation Based Payments?

Yes                                                                                 21 (84%)

No                                                                                     3 (12%)

I Have No Idea                                                                 1 (4%)

Total No. Of Votes: 25

A very clear vote, and you bet the RACGP should worry about capitation styles of payment if they value their freedom!

Any insights on the poll are welcome, as a comment, as usual!

A totally disconnected voting turnout. 

1 of 25 who answered the poll admitted to not being sure about the answer to the question!

Again, many, many special thanks to all those who voted! 


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