Quote Of The Year

Timeless Quotes - Sadly The Late Paul Shetler - "Its not Your Health Record it's a Government Record Of Your Health Information"


H. L. Mencken - "For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong."

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

It Seems The Front Door To The PCEHR Is Not Working All That Well! Pretty Basic Issues Needing To Be Fixed!

This appeared last week.

MyGov lockout comes weeks after digital boss' warning

Date August 6, 2015

Noel Towell

Reporter for The Canberra Times

Software failures and a lack of capacity has caused mass lockouts from the MyGov online portal in recent weeks, according to users, with many clients staying blocked from the system for up to two weeks.
Users of the Commonwealth system are reporting  lockouts from accounts and shutdowns of the system with some clients taking their complaints to the Parliament and Commonwealth Ombudsman.
But the Department of Human Services continues to insist there is nothing wrong with MyGov except some problems in early July caused by an easily fixed algorithm glitch.
The denials come despite call centre operators telling callers in late July that a software problem had locked large numbers of users out of their MyGov accounts and that clients would have to wait 12 hours before they could log back onto the system.
The complaints come in the wake of Commonwealth's new digital transformation boss' warning that the government was failing in delivery of online services to its citizens
A storm of criticism was recently aimed at the MyTax portal, linked to the MyGov system, for its performance at the end of the 2014-2015 financial year as millions of taxpayers tried to finish their tax returns.
Sources close to the portfolio have told Fairfax that "capacity issues" caused problems for MyGov, with pages not loading or sessions timing out within moments, late in June and that plans to add extra server capacity had been brought forward.
But a DHS spokesman denied there had been capacity problems with MyGov.
Victorian pensioner Vince Mahon has taken his complaint to the Commonwealth Ombudsman, saying he was one of many MyGov users locked out of their accounts in late July and their treatment was "unreasonable"
"I spoke to MyGov … was told defects in the software meant users in the last few days were locked out of their accounts," Mr Mahon wrote in his official complaint.
"The upshot is such users have to create a new account.
"MyGov does not have a procedure in place to reset your password.
"The problem was due to defective MyGov software but users are inconvenienced because there is no process to reset a password."
Sydney pensioner Rod Rodwell, who has taken his complaints to Minister for Human Services Marise Payne, told Fairfax of the difficulties in accessing MyGov in late June but said he and his wife had been struggling with the system for years.
"Our problems were around 22 to 24 June," Mr Rodwell said.
"Web page a disaster; there were queues at Brookvale because people could not get to page two.
"MyGov logins do not work; security codes issued do not work.
"Our experience over the last couple of years has rarely been different."
 He said "Proxy Server errors" and "Service not available" were not uncommon.
Responding to question about the system's capacity, the DHS spokesman said that nothing was wrong.
More here:
Maybe in fixing the PCEHR - if you believe that is indeed possible - the Government might want to make some improvements to the reliability of the patient access portal.
The descriptions of the issues being seen certainly should not be happening - certainly if the PCEHR is to be fit for purpose!

Late addition.

There are 2 late stories on the same topic and making it clear there is a real mess here:

See here:


and here:



Tuesday, August 11, 2015

I Think This Statement Misses Out The Most Important Issue With The New ACeH.

This release appeared a few days ago.

Media statement

5 August 2015

Peak Bodies Join Forces On Ehealth Council Membership

Australia’s peak digital health and health information organisations met at HIC 2015 this  week and agreed they would take a united position on the  importance of health  informatics expertise for the Australian Council for eHealth (ACeH).
The Health Informatics Society of Australia (HISA), Australasian College of Health Informatics  (ACHI) and Health Information Management Association of Australia (HIMAA) agreed the similarities in their respective positions on ACeH membership merited a joint approach.
The announcement came as Federal Health Minister Sussan Ley told HIC delegates today the Government valued their individual efforts.
“You are a good source of information, advice and input as the government progresses the MyHealth Record,” Minister Ley said at HIC in Brisbane.
ACHI President, Associate Professor Klaus Veil, HISA Chair Dr David Hansen and HIMAA President Sallyanne Wissmann believe in a coordinated approach. Together, the three bodies represent unparalleled expertise in digital health, health informatics and health information management.
“Our three organisations believe that the current implementation of the PCEHR does not realise the benefits originally sought and expected,” said ACHI President Klaus Veil.
“We share the concern that without effective and knowledgeable governance by the proposed ACeH, the goals originally envisaged for the PCEHR will not be achieved,” said HISA Chair David Hansen. “This level of governance cannot be achieved without representation from both the health informatics and health information management peak bodies.”
“We would welcome the opportunity to workwith the Department on improvements to the PCEHR that would enhance achieving the common goal of better healthcare for all Australians,” HIMAA President Sallyanne Wissmann said.
The Government recently called for submissions on proposed changes to legislation and governance of the PCEHR.
A joint submission by HIMAA and HISA was based on a survey of combined memberships and stakeholder networks. With more than 350 respondents HIMAA and HISA found that more than 90% of respondents either 'strongly agreed" or 'agreed' that the proposed ACeH Board and its advisory committees should include both health informatics and health information management expertise alongside healthcare providers, health care consumers and IT systems providers/innovators.
On this basis the two peak bodies recommended:
HISA and HIMAA both strongly recommend to the government that health informatics and health information management expertise be present at all levels of governance within ACeH. The skill sets, knowledge base and experience of health informatics and health
information management professionals is critical to the success of e-health initiatives.
In their submission, ACHI's academic fellows and members identified 30 recommendations they believe will enable the originally planned benefits of the PCEHR to be realised. The three recommendations regarding the proposed ACeH directly support the findings of the HIMAA/HISA survey:
That the Department consider that ACeH's brief include data governance and mandating compliance with any one or sets of Australian technical standards by a given date and that Consumers also be represented.
That the Department ensure a suitably qualified statutory authority such as ACeH effectively advise the COAG Health Council on national eHealth policy.
That the Department consider including senior expertise in health informatics, system architecture, networking, semantic interoperability, health data, system evaluation/testing/credentialing, etc. in the governance of ACeH, ACHI, HIMAA and HISA will jointly continue to pursue a common approach on the membership and governance of the proposed ACeH with the common goal of an effective national electronic health record as an enabler of better healthcare for all Australians.
For more information:
Richard Lawrance CEO HIMAA
The release is found here:
There is a supporting statement here:

Media statement - HIMAA HISA ACHI Joint statement on ACeH Membership at HIC

In a media release posted today from HISA’s Health Informatics Conference in Brisbane, Australia’s peak digital health and health information organisations agreed they would take a united position on the importance of health informatics expertise for the Australian Council for eHealth (ACeH).
The Health Informatics Society of Australia (HISA), Australian College of Health Informatics (ACHI) and Health Information Management Association of Australia (HIMAA) agreed the similarities in their respective positions on ACeH membership merited a joint approach.
The announcement came as Federal Health Minister Sussan Ley told HIC delegates today the Government valued their individual efforts.
“You are a good source of information, advice and input as the government progresses the MyHealth Record,” Minister Ley said at HIC in Brisbane.
While ACHI and HIMAA/HISA presented separate submissions in response to the federal government’s PCEHR and Health Identifiers Legislation Discussion Paper, ACHI President, Associate Professor Klaus Veil, HISA Chair David Hansen and HIMAA President Sallyanne Wissmann agreed the peak bodies would take a coordinated approach.
“Our three organisations believe that the current implementation of the PCEHR does not realise the benefits originally sought and expected,” said ACHI President Klaus Veil.
“We share the concern that without effective and knowledgeable governance by the proposed ACeH, the goals originally envisaged for the PCEHR will not be achieved,” said HISA Chair David Hansen. “This level of governance cannot be achieved without representation from both the health informatics and health information management peak bodies.”
“We would welcome the opportunity to work with the Department on improvements to the PCEHR that would enhance achieving the common goal of better healthcare for all Australians,” HIMAA President Sallyanne Wissmann said. For the full text of the media release click HERE.
For more information, contact
Richard Lawrance
Email: ceo@himaa.org.au
The release is found here:
To me the three peak bodies have identified a gap in the Government’s plans and I applaud them providing a co-ordinated set of comments on the need for informatics skills on the Board.
I most especially also note their concern as to just how useful the PCEHR will ever become without some considerable governance change.
What, however, worries me is that in having one or two representatives on the ACeH Board of 10+ (as you can be sure there will be) won’t guarantee the informed expert outcomes that are needed.
The key individual in the ACeH will be the CEO and the executive working with him and reporting to the Board.
It is vital the CEO and his / her senior staff all be properly experienced in e-Health and ideally be recognised experts as well as genuine leaders. It is this model what is needed are people such as David Brailer, David Blumenthal etc. who were leaders in the establishment of ONCHIT, and all who have been clinicians with strong managerial backgrounds. This is what I feel is needed.
There is no excuse for having general management skills or technology skills but no substantive e-Health knowledge and experience in the senior management of ACeH. What we need are people in control who get ‘e-health’. Nothing else is good enough I believe.
I hope some-one is listening!

Monday, August 10, 2015

Weekly Australian Health IT Links – 10th August, 2015.

Here are a few I have come across the last week or so.
Note: Each link is followed by a title and a few paragraphs. For the full article click on the link above title of the article. Note also that full access to some links may require site registration or subscription payment.

General Comment

A very interesting week  with the Health Information Conference (HIC15) held last week with lots ov view expressed and issues raised.
Other than that we have seen e-prescribing reach a major milestone with a billion electronic scripts!
Enjoy browsing and congratulations to Grahame Grieve for his award at HIC15. Great to see someone from Australia adding continuing value to Global E-Health as some others have over the years!

'Typo' error leads to Adelaide cancer patients being given half recommended chemotherapy dose

August 1, 2015
Ten leukaemia patients in Adelaide have been given half the recommended dose of a chemotherapy drug due to a typographical error, the Health Minister has confirmed.
The error occurred at the Royal Adelaide Hospital and Flinders Medical Centre between July 2014 and January 2015.
The seriously ill patients were supposed to undergo intensive chemotherapy, but instead only received half the recommended dose of the drug Cytarabine to treat their acute myeloid leukaemia.
This continued for several months and impacted on some patients' second and third round of treatments until a senior clinician discovered the error.

Qld Health bundles IT functions into new agency

Operational and strategic tech together again.

Queensland's health department will bundle its strategic and operational IT functions into a new unit called eHealth Queensland.
State health minister Cameron Dick announced this week that the Health Services Information Agency and the Office of the Chief Health Information Officer would be combined into the new "single strong agency" that will operate under the leadership of inaugural chief health information officer Mal Thatcher. 
“Having our strategic and operational information technology leadership in one agency will better enable us to achieve our eHealth goals," the minister said in a statement. 

The logistics of a changing health landscape

Over the next few months, Australian consumers will begin to see noticeable change in healthcare delivery. Greater targeting of at risk consumers, increased coordination between agencies, plus improved efficiency and effectiveness are just some of the outcomes anticipated as Medicare Local makes way for Primary Health Networks (PHNs).  In addition, for consumers and the profession itself, the value and importance of e-health records will increase, as opt-in arrangements are replaced by the recently announced opt-out scheme. 
The transition will be very quick, with July 1 the start date for the new PHNs.  Faced with high expectations, the management and boards of Australia's PHNs will be under pressure to perform from day one, leaving little time for bedding down their new organisations. 

HIStalk Interviews Grahame Grieve, FHIR Architect and Interoperability Consultant

August 3, 2015 
Grahame Grieve is a principal with Health Intersections of Melbourne, Australia and was the architect-developer of HL7’s Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR, pronounced “fire”) specification that allows EHRs to exchange information.
Tell me about yourself and what you do.
I qualified as a bench scientist in a hospital, but got dragged into working for a lab systems vendor. I got more and more involved in interoperability. Eventually I cut loose and consulted in interoperability and system integration in healthcare. Then I got gradually more and more involved in leading the standards in the area. Mainly I consult with the national programs.
Programmers call FHIR public API for EHRs. How would you define FHIR to a clinician and explain to them why it’s important?
It’s a framework for finding and exchanging data between two different systems so that they can exchange data in the background to provide services in the foreground that make people’s ability to do medicine better. You have to sort out flows, data contents, and agreements about responsibilities. FHIR focuses on doing those through modern technology, the same kind of agreements that support the massive systems around Facebook, Google, Apple, and the current social web system.

MyGov lockout comes weeks after digital boss' warning

Date August 6, 2015

Noel Towell

Reporter for The Canberra Times

Users of MyGov online have been reporting problems.
Software failures and a lack of capacity has caused mass lockouts from the MyGov online portal in recent weeks, according to users, with many clients staying blocked from the system for up to two weeks.
Users of the Commonwealth system are reporting  lockouts from accounts and shutdowns of the system with some clients taking their complaints to the Parliament and Commonwealth Ombudsman.
But the Department of Human Services continues to insist there is nothing wrong with MyGov except some problems in early July caused by an easily fixed algorithm glitch.
The denials come despite call centre operators telling callers in late July that a software problem had locked large numbers of users out of their MyGov accounts and that clients would have to wait 12 hours before they could log back onto the system.

New Zealand's pioneering high tech healthcare system

According to Graeme Osborne, director National Health IT Board and Information Group, National Health Board, Ministry of Health, New Zealand, it’s easy to mistake technology as a panacea when it comes to health, rather than simply a tool used to get to an end goal.
“Tech is simply an enabler, it’s not the end game,” he tells eEhealthspace.org in an interview. “The measure of well implemented IT is adoption and value.”
At the core of the national New Zealand health IT project is the notion of shared value. Osborne says the notion of shared value comes from an understanding of stake holders, how those stake holders work together, and how the hand-offs between each stake holder occur.
“It’s a matter of coming to a shared agreement on what success looks like,” he says. “Otherwise there’s very little point in spending money on health IT.”

Hospitals warned to stop using vulnerable drug pump

Date August 1, 2015

Jim Finkle, Toni Clarke and Caroline Humer

A lethal flaw has been found in the Symbiq infusion system used in hospitals worldwide.
Hospitals worldwide are being advised not to use Hospira's Symbiq infusion system after a security vulnerability was discovered that could allow cyber attackers to take remote control of the system.
The US Food and Drug Administration has issued the advisory some 10 days after the US Department of Homeland Security warned of the vulnerability in the pump, which is used to deliver medications directly into the bloodstream of patients. Australia's Therapeutic Goods Administration has yet to issue an alert.
The FDA and DHS cited research from independent cyber security expert Billy Rios, who found that remote attacks could be launched on patients by accessing a hospital's network.
Both the FDA and DHS said they know of no cases where such an attack has been launched, but the FDA said in its advisory that it strongly encouraged healthcare facilities to stop using the Symbiq infusion pump system and move to other devices.

Primary health care reform discussion paper released

The Australian Government has released an options discussion paper ‘Better outcomes for people living Chronic and Complex Health Conditions through Primary Health Care’.
Page last updated: 04 August 2015
4 August 2015
Consistent with the Abbott Government’s commitment to reforming primary health care, the government today released an options discussion paper ‘Better outcomes for people living Chronic and Complex Health Conditions through Primary Health Care’.
Minister for Health Sussan Ley said the discussion paper considered possible reform options which would inform the government’s development of a healthier Medicare to support people with complex and chronic diseases and keep them out of hospital longer.
Ms Ley said options in the discussion paper included enrolling people to a single provider who would coordinate the multi-disciplinary care the patient received rather than the patient coordinating their care, set chronic disease payments for a defined package of care rather than individual services and international methods of best practice.

Busting the myth of online privacy

If anybody is still labouring under the mistaken belief that anything online can remain private and secure, this week should have seen them finally admit defeat. In the US, UCLA Health reported ) that 4.5 million health records had been compromised. UCLA Health runs four hospitals and 150 hospitals in Southern California, based at the University of California and Los Angeles. The security breech joins a long list of recent hacks of health insurance, and health services, companies, including that of health insurance company Anthem that had up to 80 million customer records illegally accessed earlier this year.
More poignantly, and also this week, international dating site Ashley Madison admitted that hackers had accessed their systems and stolen details of their 37 million customers. The particular twist in this hack is that the site encouraged people in existing relationships to “cheat” on their partners and have casual affairs. Amongst information stolen by the hackers were details of customers’ sexual fantasies which the hackers threatened to publish if demands to close down the site completely were not met.

The Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record (PCEHR) for Adults with Severe Communication Impairments: Findings of Pilot Research

Bronwyn Hemsley, Andrew Georgiou, Susan Balandin, Rob Carter, Sophie Hill, Isabel Higgins, Paulette Van Vliet, Shaun McCarthy
100 - 106
DOI 10.3233/978-1-61499-558-6-100
To date, there is little information in the literature to guide the provision of supports for using the Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record (PCEHR) in populations with severe communication impairments associated with a range of disabilities. In this paper we will (a) outline the rationale for use of PCEHR in these populations by providing an overview of relevant research to date, and (b) present results of three integrated pilot studies aiming to investigate the barriers to and facilitators for PCEHR use by people with severe communication impairments and their service providers. Finally, we will present directions for future research on use of PCEHR by people with severe communication impairments.

Electronic recording and reporting of controlled drugs needed now: Quilty

It’s time for a national system for the Electronic Recording and Reporting of Controlled Drugs, says Pharmacy Guild executive director David Quilty.

Writing in this week’s edition of Guild newsletter Forefront, Quilty says doctors and pharmacists need to unite in demanding an ERRCD system.
“For too long, governments have dawdled and blame shifted, instead of putting this vital medication management tool in place,” he writes.
“Coroners in virtually every jurisdiction have consistently called for an ERRCD to no avail. It is a sad situation when the voice of the coroner is starting to sound repetitive.
“In Australia, drug overdose fatalities regularly exceed motor vehicle fatalities, with legal prescription medicines—rather than illicit substances—comprising the overwhelming majority of these fatalities.”

eRx fills its billionth script

Australia has achieved a major milestone in patient safety, reaching one billion prescriptions dispensed electronically through eRx.

Electronic transfer of prescriptions improves patient safety by increasing confidence that the correct medications are being dispensed while also making dispensing faster.
Electronic prescribing brings important safety gains as a result of the fact that prescription information, including patient and medication data, can be shared safely and securely between GPs and pharmacists.
As a result, pharmacists no longer have to re-type medications or patient information, which makes dispensing faster whilst also increasing GP confidence that the correct medications are being dispensed.

Revamped website offers GPs more personalised news

Serkan Ozturk | 6 August, 2015 |
The GP publication Medical Observer has launched a new more interactive, personalised and user-friendly website.
The site's relaunch of comes after eight months of development and research by the publication's owner Cirrus Media Healthcare.
Director Kartik Natarajan says the site has been designed with an eye to the future.
"Our content is now delivered on an ultra-modern platform and we're offering a premium experience for our readers," he says.

News in brief

Monday, 3 August, 2015

Vax rates may be underestimated

IMMUNISATION coverage rates appear to have been significantly underestimated in the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register, according to a short report published in the MJA. The authors studied a cohort of children in south-eastern Sydney aged 12‒15 months in 2002. According to the Register, 81% of children in the region had received all vaccination doses scheduled for the first year of life. However, systematic follow up of one third of the children recorded as being overdue for one or more doses found the overall proportion who were up-to-date was at least 91%.

General practitioner understanding of abbreviations used in hospital discharge letters

Mark Chemali, Emily J Hibbert, Adrian Sheen, Mark Chemali, Emily J Hibbert and Adrian Sheen
Med J Aust 2015; 203 (3): 147.
doi:  10.5694/mja15.00224
Objectives: To determine the incidence of abbreviation use in electronic hospital discharge letters (eDLs) and general practitioner understanding of abbreviations used in eDLs

GPs do not understand medical abbreviations used by hospital doctors: Medical Journal of Australia study

Date August 3, 2015 - 12:43AM

Julia Medew

Ever wondered what all the acronyms on your medical documents actually mean? Well, it turns out your GP probably struggles with them too.
In a worrying finding that could explain some catastrophic errors for Australian patients, a survey of 240 GPs found they did not understand much of the shorthand used by hospital doctors in electronic handover notes. 
After compiling a list of 321 abbreviations used in 200 discharge letters produced by a major Sydney hospital, researchers surveyed the GPs to see how many of those abbreviations they understood. 

Lost in translation

Nicole MacKee
Monday, 3 August, 2015
VITAL patient information could be lost in translation because hospital discharge letters include abbreviations that many GPs are not familiar with, according to new MJA research.
The retrospective audit found that abbreviations used in hospital electronic discharge letters were not understood by up to 47% of GPs. (1)
The researchers said their findings highlighted an area that could contribute to patient morbidity or mortality because of miscommunication.
“It would be imprudent to ignore the magnitude of these findings and not act to minimise the potential for problems”, they wrote.

Who’s of Aussie (Global) ICT

August 3, 2015
POWERHEALTH SOLUTIONS (PHS) is an international healthcare software company specialising in Costing & Revenue, Enterprise Billing and Patient Safety software for hospitals and other healthcare organisations.  The company is developing a network of business and technology partners around the world to enrich products and reach more clients. PHS is internationally recognised and used across the UK, Ireland, Hong Kong, New Zealand, the Middle East and the United States.  PHS has demonstrated expertise in delivery quality, large scale implementations through the use of developed project management and governance skills. www.powerhealthsolutions.com

Revealed: Australian government pays hefty price to keep outdated Windows operating systems secure

Date August 5, 2015 - 1:11AM

Hannah Francis

Technology Reporter

Microsoft discontinued support for the popular Windows XP operating system in April 2014.
Australian federal government departments are paying Microsoft $14.4 million to continue to support their use of outdated Windows operating systems for another year because the software giant no longer officially provides security updates or support for them.
The Department of Finance recently signed off on two one-year contracts for ongoing "custom support" for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 to service the departments of Defence, Human Services, Immigration and Border Protection, and the Australian Taxation Office. Technology news websites iTnews and Delimiter first reported the cost.

Windows 10 is not really free

Windows 10, it seems, is proving a hit with both the public and the technology press after its release last week. After two days, it had been installed on 67 million PCs. Of course, sceptics may argue that this may have simply been a reflection of how much people disliked Windows 8 and the fact that the upgrade was free.
For others, though, it is the very fact that the upgrade is free that has them concerned that Microsoft has adopted a new, “freemium” model for making money from its operating system.
They argue that, while Apple can make its upgrades free because it makes its money from the hardware it sells, Microsoft will have to find some way to make money from doing the same with its software. Given that there are only a few ways of doing this, it seems that Microsoft has taken a shotgun approach and adopted them all.
Free upgrade
Chris Capossela, Microsoft’s Chief Marketing Officer, has declared that Microsoft’s strategy is to “acquire, engage, enlist and monetise”. In other words, get people using the platform and then sell them other things like apps from the Microsoft App Store.

Sunday, August 09, 2015

e-Health And Primary Care Into The Future. What is Being Discussed In This New Paper And Is It Based On Reality?

This release appeared a few days ago.

Primary health care reform discussion paper released

The Australian Government has released an options discussion paper ‘Better outcomes for people living Chronic and Complex Health Conditions through Primary Health Care’.
Page last updated: 04 August 2015
4 August 2015
Consistent with the Abbott Government’s commitment to reforming primary health care, the government today released an options discussion paper ‘Better outcomes for people living Chronic and Complex Health Conditions through Primary Health Care’.
Minister for Health Sussan Ley said the discussion paper considered possible reform options which would inform the government’s development of a healthier Medicare to support people with complex and chronic diseases and keep them out of hospital longer.
Ms Ley said options in the discussion paper included enrolling people to a single provider who would coordinate the multi-disciplinary care the patient received rather than the patient coordinating their care, set chronic disease payments for a defined package of care rather than individual services and international methods of best practice.
Lots more here:
In the main discussion paper we find this:

Theme 2 — Increased use of Technology

What do we want to achieve?
An efficient and integrated health system that embraces cost-effective technology to improve patient management across the whole health system, and empowers patients with chronic and complex health conditions to participate in their care and incorporates convenient and accurate monitoring and feedback.

Possible Options

2.1 Patient Participation
Appropriate use of accessible health records and  other technologies can have a positive impact on patient outcomes and their need for services.
Through new platforms such as My Health Record, patients will be able to access much of their health information, promoting greater involvement in the delivery of their care.
Advances in medical technologies mean that home-based self-testing and self-monitoring options are more readily available and decreasing in price.
Education and ongoing support could be developed for patients and health care professionals in order to maximise the benefits of the technology.
Insurers could also be further encouraged to partner with primary health care providers to support the use of home-based monitoring and health record technologies. Some insurers already include access to health aids and appliances for the management of chronic and complex health conditions that the primary care providers may not be aware of.
Confidence in the security and privacy of health information systems is essential. High levels of security and multiple levels of access control are built into the My Health Record and secure messaging is available for data generated between care team members and to patients, but its use is variable.
2.2 Enhanced Team-based Care
Electronic health records, like My Health Record, will play a critical role in supporting team-based care by ensuring that health care professionals have ongoing access to up to date information on their patients’ conditions and treatments, (subject to patients’ consent).
These records complement existing tools used to support team-based care, such as web-based information portals that can also schedule services and allocate responsibilities according to a care plan. Appropriate use of telehealth or video-conference consultations can also be used to effectively address local service gaps.
Greater use of encrypted communication between health care providers is needed to ensure privacy and security of sensitive health information. Existing systems are well placed for further development to support this communication.
Targeted education, training and support for cultural change may be required to accommodate new processes, and link to existing systems across health sectors.
For example, integration of care team and case management technologies with clinical information systems from hospitals will improve discharge planning and support continuity of care for patients with chronic and complex health conditions.
2.3 Emerging Technology
Advances in medical technologies, including software, smart phone applications, self-testing and point of care testing, can improve convenience and efficiency. These technologies may decrease the need for dependence on pathology labs and repeat testing by providing convenient alternatives for patients and health care professionals.
Improving the quality and frequency of information sharing and communications between health care team members will improve condition management and patients’ outcomes, as well as better support health care providers to share necessary information consistent with legislated and clinical requirements. Software compatibility across health care providers remains a challenge.
While there are major potential gains to be realised from new technology, education is required to ensure testing and monitoring devices are appropriately used, deliver value for money, and that the storage and communication of health information with new devices is secure and compatible with national standards.
2.4 Cultural Change
Primary Health Networks and Local Hospital Networks could be further supported to progress cultural change within the health care system to facilitate system-wide use of electronic health records and other technologies.
Questions — Use of technology
How might the technology described in Theme 2 improve the way patients engage in and manage their own health care?
What enablers are needed to support an increased use of the technology described in Theme 2 of the Discussion Paper to improve team based care for people with chronic and complex health conditions?
The document can be had from this link:
Under the heading Digital Health in an associated (much longer) Background Document we get the following review of Australia.(pp80+ etc.)

7.1.1 Australia’s system

Australia has a long history of investing in digital health and embedding it within the broader health  care system, at both the national and the state level. In 1993, the National Health Information Agreement (NHIA) came into effect,317 and the Australian Government has since supported primary health care practices in implementing IT systems, electronic medical records and digital health through the Better Practice Program and (from 1998 onwards) the PIP.
Since 2000, Australia’s system has undergone four major changes:
In 2000 and 2003, respectively, HealthConnect and MediConnect were established to leverage different health systems in Australia and trial initial standards for the implementation of EMRs.
In 2005, the National eHealth Transition Authority (NEHTA) was created to drive digital
health initiatives, supported by both the Federal Government and state governments.71NEHTA’s purpose is to lead the uptake of health systems of national significance, and it has been building the foundations for a national EMR since 2010.318
NEHTA has established documentation and recommendations for terminology and secure messaging standards; made progress in encouraging vendor support for including specifications and standards in releases of their software products; established the elements of My Health Record; and collaborated on establishing the Unique Health Identifier (UHI) proposal.318 The Australian Commission for eHealth will replace NEHTA in July 2016.319
In 2011, the Australian Government introduced the specialist telehealth initiative, with the dual aims of improving access to health services and up-skilling health professionals in rural and remote locations. The initiative included payment of a $6,000 incentive for joining, a $60 service incentive for specialist telehealth consultations, and a $20 telehealth bulk-billing incentive. These amounts were paid in addition to the usual MBS consultation schedule.320
The telehealth initiative also provided financial incentives to eligible residential aged care services to enable participation in telehealth consultations with specialists, consultant physicians or consultant psychiatrists. While the financial incentives ceased in June 2014, health care professionals continue to receive higher Medicare benefits for telehealth services.321
To date, the Australian Government has not introduced incentives for telepharmacy services or telehealth to the home in the primary health care setting.322
In 2015, the Australian Government launched the personally controlled electronic health record (PCEHR, recently renamed My Health Record). By May 2015, approximately 2.25 million people and over 7,700 health care practices had registered to participate in the system, although utilisation of the records by health care professionals remains variable.
Despite these major transitions, opportunities exist to expand the use of digital health elements. Firstly, Australia still relies heavily on physical health care, with limited scope for—and uptake of—telehealth and mobile health consultations.307,321
This is especially true in rural areas, where educational and administrative uses of telehealth are strong, but the use of telehealth technology for clinical applications has been limited due to bureaucratic and procedural barriers, as well as participant hurdles.323
Secondly, limited subsidies for remote monitoring devices have restricted consumers’ ability to self-manage their chronic conditions. For example, while the MBS funds insulin pumps, continuous glucose monitoring devices and sensors are not currently available for subsidy.324
Finally, although financial incentives have been introduced to encourage practices to use EMRs, actual activity around electronic medical records has been limited. Approximately 2.25 million people have registered, but only 1,727 specialist letters have been written, and only 30,300 consumers have viewed their records.325There has also been limited uptake of clinical decision-support tools beyond those integrated into clinical information systems.326
The full paper is found here:
I am not sure what others make of the e-health components in these papers but to me that are superficial, uninformed, unduly optimistic and basically flawed.
There seems to be a view expressed in the first extract that seems to basically ignore all the GP based computing and secure clinical messaging that is already in place and to seem to be asserting that the Government’s e-health system is the ant’s pants. This is despite the Health Minister saying as late as lat week that the PCEHR was distinctly a ‘work in progress’. We all know the PCEHR is essentially rubbish.
The second extract just utterly glosses over what has happened over the last 15 years in e-health and seems to pretend what has happened over this time has all be beautifully planned and executed. Anyone who has been watching as I have been knows just what utter rubbish that is. The history of the last 15 years has been characterised by vaulting ambition and atrocious execution - and it still goes on!
We need to have some responses to this paper that point the facts out!

AusHealthIT Poll Number 282 – Results – 9th August, 2015.

Here are the results of the poll.

Which State Is Presently Making The Biggest Mess Of Its Public Hospital E-Health Initiatives?

NSW 7% (8)

Vic 2% (2)

SA 12% (15)

WA 14% (17)

Qld 12% (15)

Tas 0% (0)

NT 21% (26)

ACT 1% (1)

They Are All Doing Fine 2% (2)

They Are All A Mess 22% (27)

I Have No Idea 8% (10)

Total votes: 123

I will leave readers to take what they want from the poll. It seems WA, SA and NT are the main recipients of specific criticism, with 20% or so reckoning they are all in trouble.

Good to see such a great number of responses!

Again, many, many thanks to all those that voted!
