Quote Of The Year

Timeless Quotes - Sadly The Late Paul Shetler - "Its not Your Health Record it's a Government Record Of Your Health Information"


H. L. Mencken - "For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong."

Friday, March 22, 2013

I Wonder What Is Going On Here - A Worrying Survey on EHR Satisfaction.

The following appeared a little while ago.

EHR dissatisfaction on the rise

March 11, 2013 | By Susan D. Hall
We've known that many providers are unhappy with their electronic health record systems, but the level of dissatisfaction appears to be growing, according to a survey by the American College of Physicians and AmericanEHR Partners, web-based resource for EHR system selection and implementation.
Overall, user satisfaction dropped by 12 percentage points between 2010 and 2012 and the "very dissatisfied" group grew by 10 percentage points.
The findings represent 4,279 responses to multiple surveys developed by ACP and AmericanEHR Partners between March 2010 and December 2012. The surveys were conducted in conjunction with 10 different professional societies. Seventy-one percent of respondents were in practices with 10 physicians or fewer, according to an ACP announcement.
Among the findings:
  • 39 percent of clinicians would not recommend their EHR to a colleague, up from 24 percent who said so in 2010.
  • With regard to ability to improve patient care, the "very satisfied" group dropped by 6 percentage points, while the "very dissatisfied" group grew by 10 points.  
  • Surgical specialists were the least-satisfied group, while primary-care doctors were the more satisfied; medical sub-specialties fell between the two.
  • Satisfaction with ease of use fell 13 percentage points. Thirty-seven percent reported increased dissatisfaction.
  • 34 percent of users were "very dissatisfied" with the ability of their EHR to decrease workload, up from 19 percent in 2010.
  • Respondents also said it is becoming more difficult to return to pre-EHR implementation productivity levels. In 2012, 32 percent of respondents said they had not returned to the previous level of productivity; 20 percent said so in 2010.
More here with links etc.
Interesting to see GPs finding the EHRs most useful.
The full report is certainly worth a browse.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Here Are Two Very Interesting And Worthwhile Articles To Provoke Some Deeper Thoughts.

First we have:

Quantum future a great leap for analog beings

DIGITAL information is the crudest, bluntest, most brutal form of information that we know. Everything can be reduced to finite strings of 0s and 1s. It is completely unambiguous and is easily remembered. It reduces everything to black and white, yes or no, and it can be copied easily with complete accuracy. Obviously, analog information is infinitely richer. One analog number can take an infinite number of values, infinitely more values than can be taken by any finite number of digital bits.
The transition from analog to digital sound - from records and tapes to CDs and MP3s - caused a controversy, which continues to this day, about whether a digital reproduction is less rich and interesting to listen to than an analog version. By using more and more digital bits, one can mimic an analog sound to any desired accuracy. Analog sound is inherently more subtle and less jarring than digital. Certainly, even in this digital age, analog instruments show no signs of going out of fashion.
Life's DNA code is digital. Its messages are written in three-letter "words" formed from a four-letter alphabet. Every word codes for an amino acid, and each sentence codes for a protein, made up of a long string of amino acids. The proteins form the basic machinery of life, part of which is dedicated to reading and transcribing DNA into yet more proteins.
Although it is indeed amazing that all of the extravagant diversity and beauty of life is encoded in this way, it is also important to realise that the DNA code itself is not in any way alive.
Although the genetic basis for life is digital, living beings are analog creatures. We are made of plasmas, tissues, membranes, controlled by chemical reactions that depend continuously on concentrations of enzymes and reactants. Our DNA comes to life only when placed in an environment with the right molecules, fluids and sources of energy and nutrients. None of these factors can be described as digital. New DNA sequences arise only as the result of mutations and reshufflings, which are partly environmental and partly quantum mechanical in origin. Two of the key processes that drive evolution - variation and selection - are therefore not digital. The main feature of the digital component of life - DNA - is its persistent, unambiguous character; it can be reproduced and translated into RNA and protein accurately and efficiently. The human body contains tens of trillions of cells, each with an identical copy of the DNA. Every time a cell divides, its DNA is copied.
It is tempting to see the digital DNA code as the fundamental basis of life and our living bodies as merely its servants, with our only function being to preserve our DNA and to enable its reproduction. But it seems to me that one can equally well argue that life, being fundamentally analog, uses digital memory simply to preserve the accuracy of its reproduction. That is, life is a happy combination of mainly digital memory and mainly analog operations.
At first sight, our nerves and brains may appear to be digital, since they fire or do not in response to stimuli, just as the basic digital storage element is 0 or 1. However, the nerve-firing rate can be varied continuously, and nerves can fire in synchrony or in various patterns of disarray. The concentrations and flows of biomolecules involved in key steps, such as the passage of signals across synapses, are analog quantities. In general, our brains appear to be much more nuanced and complex systems than digital processors.
A lot more is found here:
Second we have:

The Robot Will See You Now

IBM's Watson—the same machine that beat Ken Jennings at Jeopardy—is now churning through case histories at Memorial Sloan-Kettering, learning to make diagnoses and treatment recommendations. This is one in a series of developments suggesting that technology may be about to disrupt health care in the same way it has disrupted so many other industries. Are doctors necessary? Just how far might the automation of medicine go?
By Jonathan Cohn
Harley lukov didn’t need a miracle. He just needed the right diagnosis. Lukov, a 62-year-old from central New Jersey, had stopped smoking 10 years earlier—fulfilling a promise he’d made to his daughter, after she gave birth to his first grandchild. But decades of cigarettes had taken their toll. Lukov had adenocarcinoma, a common cancer of the lung, and it had spread to his liver. The oncologist ordered a biopsy, testing a surgically removed sample of the tumor to search for particular “driver” mutations. A driver mutation is a specific genetic defect that causes cells to reproduce uncontrollably, interfering with bodily functions and devouring organs. Think of an on/off switch stuck in the “on” direction. With lung cancer, doctors typically test for mutations called EGFR and ALK, in part because those two respond well to specially targeted treatments. But the tests are a long shot: although EGFR and ALK are the two driver mutations doctors typically see with lung cancer, even they are relatively uncommon. When Lukov’s cancer tested negative for both, the oncologist prepared to start a standard chemotherapy regimen—even though it meant the side effects would be worse and the prospects of success slimmer than might be expected using a targeted agent.
But Lukov’s true medical condition wasn’t quite so grim. The tumor did have a driver—a third mutation few oncologists test for in this type of case. It’s called KRAS. Researchers have known about KRAS for a long time, but only recently have they realized that it can be the driver mutation in metastatic lung cancer—and that, in those cases, it responds to the same drugs that turn it off in other tumors. A doctor familiar with both Lukov’s specific medical history and the very latest research might know to make the connection—to add one more biomarker test, for KRAS, and then to find a clinical trial testing the efficacy of KRAS treatments on lung cancer. But the national treatment guidelines for lung cancer don’t recommend such action, and few physicians, however conscientious, would think to do these things.
Did Lukov ultimately get the right treatment? Did his oncologist make the connection between KRAS and his condition, and order the test? He might have, if Lukov were a real patient and the oncologist were a real doctor. They’re not. They are fictional composites developed by researchers at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, in order to help train—and demonstrate the skills of—IBM’s Watson supercomputer. Yes, this is the same Watson that famously went on Jeopardy and beat two previous human champions. But IBM didn’t build Watson to win game shows. The company is developing Watson to help professionals with complex decision making, like the kind that occurs in oncologists’ offices—and to point out clinical nuances that health professionals might miss on their own.
Information technology that helps doctors and patients make decisions has been around for a long time. Crude online tools like WebMD get millions of visitors a day. But Watson is a different beast. According to IBM, it can digest information and make recommendations much more quickly, and more intelligently, than perhaps any machine before it—processing up to 60 million pages of text per second, even when that text is in the form of plain old prose, or what scientists call “natural language.”
A great deal more is here:
I don’t have much to add rather than to suggest both will reward a careful read and both point to some directions that might turn out to be quite important!

Possible New Prime Minister Alert.

It seems a spill of the leadership of the ALP is happening at 4:30pm today!

Amazing stuff...


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The New England Journal Of Medicine Weighs In On Information Security In Health

This appeared a little while ago.

Protecting Patient Privacy and Data Security

Julie K. Taitsman, M.D., J.D., Christi Macrina Grimm, M.P.A., and Shantanu Agrawal, M.D.
N Engl J Med 2013; 368:977-979 March 14, 2013 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp1215258
On December 4, 2012, two Australian radio DJs called London's King Edward VII's Hospital, identified themselves, in fake British accents, as Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles, and asked about a celebrity patient who had been admitted for pregnancy complications. A nurse, filling in at the reception desk in the early morning hours, answered the phone and, without attempting to verify the callers' identities, transferred them to the duty nurse caring for the Duchess of Cambridge. The duty nurse then provided them with confidential patient information.1 The Australian DJs broadcast the phone call, considering it a humorous prank, but as the world knows, it had disastrous consequences.
How confident are U.S. hospitals, nursing homes, and physicians' offices that their staff would appropriately deny patient information to an unknown caller?
Too often, unauthorized people succeed in extracting protected information from health care providers. Invasion of privacy also affects noncelebrities, when anyone seeks health information the patient has not chosen to share. More often, though, scam artists seek patients' billing information for financial gain. The patient's insurance identifier is then used by an uninsured person to obtain medical services or by a fraudulent health care provider to bill for medical services that were never rendered. Data security breaches and medical identity theft are growing concerns, with thousands of cases reported each year. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) tracks nearly 300,000 compromised Medicare-beneficiary numbers.2 The Office for Civil Rights has received more than 77,000 complaints regarding breaches of health information privacy and completed more than 27,000 investigations, which have resulted in more than 18,000 corrective actions.3
The full article and references are found here:
Usefully they have provided a good summary of privacy and security safeguards. See here:
Additionally there is a useful set of steps to secure mobile devices.

Steps to Protect and Secure Information When Using Mobile Devices.*

·         Install and enable encryption
·         Use a password or other user authentication
·         Install and activate wiping, remote disabling, or both to erase data on lost or stolen devices
·         Disable and do not install or use file-sharing applications
·         Install and enable a firewall to block unauthorized access
·         Install and enable security software to protect against malicious applications, viruses, spyware, and malware-based attacks
·         Keep security software up to date
·         Research mobile applications before downloading
·         Maintain physical control of mobile devices
·         Use adequate security to send or receive health information over public Wi-Fi networks
·         Delete all stored health information on mobile devices before discarding the devices
  * Recommended by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology.
All in all a good one for the reference files.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Now Here Is A Blog I Really Agree With - I Have Been Saying Something Like This For Ages.

This appeared a few days ago.

Question: FHIR and un-semantic interoperability

Posted on March 12, 2013 by Grahame Grieve
 I did not understand the blog post about un-semantic interoperability.  Can you elaborate?  Will FHIR provide any of this un-semantic interoperability?
Well, the original post on unsemantic interoperability is just pointing out that many people mis-understand the nature of what semantic interoperability is trying to achieve:
We’ve had semantic interoperability in healthcare since we started having healthcare. Since the beginning of healthcare (by whatever definition you can use), healthcare practitioners have exchanged data using spoken and written words, and the semantic meaning has been clear (well, as clear as it can be given that human knowledge is limited).
So whatever it is that we are doing, it’s not introducing semantic interoperability. In fact, what we are doing is introducing a new player into the mix: computers. And not, in actual fact, computers, but the notion that there is something to be gained by processing healthcare information by persons or devices who don’t properly understand it. So, in fact, what we are actually doing is seeking for unsemantic interoperability.
It’s a matter of perspective. Perhaps, one day, we’ll really be working on true semantic inteoperability. But right now, we can afford to chase a lesser goal, which is exchanging data that can be used usefully in some limited pre-ordained ways.
More here:
The second comment - as italicised - is a ripper.
Karim Keshavjee
Unfortunately in all the discussion about semantic and/or non-semantic interoperability, we keep forgetting the purpose of achieving them. If we really took time to understand the purpose of interoperability, we’d have achieved a lot more than we have to date.
Sometimes I think we’re pursuing a Holy Grail when a plain chalice would do fine, or even a cup.
Essentially what is being recognised here is that complexity is something that takes so long to address that we need to approach solutions incrementally and not in a big bang.
Electronic semantic interoperability is really as hard and complex as it gets and doing what we can to while we address the possible is really smart.
Here are a couple of blogs where I and others have explored this especially the complexity issue.
Here are a couple of  more detailed discussions of some of the issues.
See here:
and here:
and here:
and here:
and here:
The bottom line here is that we should have work what can be made to work while continuing to work on improvement and better coverage.

AusHealthIT Poll Number 159 – Results – 19th March, 2013.

The question was:

Do You Believe Developing A New National E-Health Strategy Will Make A Positive Difference To E-Health In Australia?

For Sure 11% (5)
Probably 14% (6)
Possibly 25% (11)
No Way 43% (19)
I Have No Idea 7% (3)
Total votes: 44
Very interesting! A good majority seem to not be convinced the work will make a difference.
Again, many thanks to those that voted!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Weekly Australian Health IT Links – 18th March, 2013.

Here are a few I have come across the last week or so.
Note: Each link is followed by a title and a few paragraphs. For the full article click on the link above title of the article. Note also that full access to some links may require site registration or subscription payment.

General Comment

Other that the revelations from the Qld Health Payroll enquiry it has again been a reasonably quiet week on the surface - other than the Judith Sloan attack on DoHA! (see blog yesterday)
Following Eric Browne’s and other comments last week it seems that there is something going on with the NPDR (National Prescribing and Dispensing Repository) which may have all sorts of implications for the NEHRS as well as for standards setting. One gets the feeling the unified and rational architecture - such as it was with the NEHRS - is unravelling.
This will be an area to keep a close eye on.
My weekly visit to my NEHRS record was relatively fuss free - but the system is, as always, awfully slow.

Guild supports decision to cancel e-dispensing alerts

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia has backed a decision to switch off computer alerts telling doctors when patients have had prescriptions dispensed, if it encourages GPs to embrace e-health.
The alerts, which were a feature of both eRx Script Exchange and MediSecure, have been stopped after concerns were raised that the alerts would impose a duty on GPs to chase up patients who had not had the prescriptions dispensed, by indemnity insurers and the Royal Australian College of General Practice (RACGP). 
Dr Nathan Pinskier, an RACGP spokesperson, said the College feared the existence of the notifications extended doctors' duty of care to ensure patients were following their advice. 

Plug pulled on e-dispensing alerts

12 March, 2013 Paul Smith
Computer alerts telling doctors when patients' medication has been dispensed have been switched off amid fears they impose a duty on GPs to chase up patients they believe are at risk.
The concerns — raised by indemnity insurers and the RACGP — centre on the two electronic prescribing systems, MediSecure and eRx, which are currently used by thousands of doctors.
When pharmacies signed up to the systems dispense a script, a notification is issued and sent electronically to the prescribing GP.

Queensland Health payroll inquiry begins

Witnesses have begun giving evidence to the Queensland Health Payroll System Commission of Inquiry
  • AAP (CIO)
  • 11 March, 2013 14:14
An inquiry into Queensland Health's $1.2 billion payroll fiasco will examine whether there was a need to "cut corners" in the initial tendering process.
Witnesses began giving evidence to the Queensland Health Payroll System Commission of Inquiry in Brisbane on Monday.
Thousands of public servants were underpaid, overpaid or unpaid after a flawed IBM computer system was introduced in March 2010 by the former government.


Queensland Health payroll inquiry begins

Date  March 11, 2013

Nathan Paull

An inquiry into Queensland Health's $1.2 billion payroll fiasco will look into whether IBM had an unfair advantage in bidding to supply a computer system that caused havoc in the state's healthcare system.
Former Accenture partner Marcos Salouk, whose company was initially the preferred vendor but lost out to IBM, told the inquiry he was "devastated" when his company lost the bid.
He said he was surprised to hear IBM had won with a bid rumoured to be about $100 million below Accenture's and within the government's tight budget.

Queensland Health payroll system 'high risk'

More than 50,000 staff are believed to have been overpaid more than $90 million in the Queensland Health payroll bungle
  • AAP (CIO)
  • 12 March, 2013 14:14
Queensland Health's failed $1.2 billion payroll system was so disastrous because of the complexity of what was required in such a short amount of time, an inquiry has heard.
Former Logica general manager Michael Duke told an inquiry in Brisbane the company only submitted a partial bid during the tendering process in 2007 and was unsuccessful.
Duke said Logica, which had already been operating financial systems for the government, only put in a partial bid because it saw the payroll system as a "large chunk of work" that was complex and "high risk".
He said the company wouldn't have been able to deliver government's plan to roll financial systems into its shared services program along with rostering and payroll, which were all to be implemented and maintained by one prime contractor.

IBM not first choice: payroll inquiry

Date March 12, 2013 - 5:35PM

Nathan Paull

A private contractor led the process that gave global technology giant IBM the job of replacing Queensland Health’s payroll system, an inquiry has heard.
Darrin Bond, a former project director in the government’s IT arm CorpTech, says he was against using a prime contractor for the payroll system and eventually changed departments because of it.
Mr Bond told the Queensland Health Payroll System Commission of Inquiry in Brisbane on Tuesday that it was a private contractor, Terry Burns, employed by CorpTech, who advocated giving a prime contractor control over the system’s finance, HR and payroll components.

Contract signed before payroll system proven to work

Date March 14, 2013 - 7:56AM

Nathan Paull

Senior bureaucrats didn't check whether a proposed system would actually work before signing off on a contract to replace Queensland Health's payroll system, an inquiry has heard.
Darrin Bond, a former project director in the government's IT arm CorpTech, says a push for technology giant IBM to sign the contract meant the Queensland government didn't have time to properly assess the proposal.
IBM's tender bid to run Queensland Health's complicated payroll system was about $100 million cheaper than its nearest rival.

Queensland Health inquiry: Hood admits outside contractor a bad idea

Private contractor and former IBM boss Terry Burns' hand in IBM being selected to implement and maintain the system has been repeatedly called into question during an inquiry to determine what went wrong
  • AAP (AAP)
  • 14 March, 2013 10:09
A senior public servant in charge of Queensland Health's failed payroll system has conceded an outside contractor shouldn't have led the tendering process.
Private contractor and former IBM boss Terry Burns' hand in IBM being selected to implement and maintain the system has been repeatedly called into question during an inquiry to determine what went wrong.
Thousands of public servants were underpaid, overpaid or unpaid after IBM's flawed computer system was introduced in March 2010 by the former Labor government in a fiasco estimated to have cost taxpayers about $1.2 billion.

Scientists used iPhone to diagnose intestinal worms

  • From: AFP
  • March 13, 2013 6:58AM
SCIENTISTS used an iPhone and a camera lens to diagnose intestinal worms in rural Tanzania, a breakthrough that could help doctors treat patients infected with the parasites, a study said on Tuesday.
Research published by the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene showed that it is possible to fashion a low-cost field microscope using an iPhone, double-sided tape, a flashlight, ordinary laboratory slides and an $8 cameral lens.
The researchers used their cobbled-together microscope to successfully determine the presence of eggs from hookworm and other parasites in the stool of infected children.

Government IT projects 'not well understood'

Date March 12, 2013

Trevor Clarke

Australia's new CIO Glenn Archer is proud of quiet achievers in IT departments.
The Australian government's new chief information officer says government IT projects are ''not well understood'' by the wider community and their implementers deserve recognition.
Notwithstanding several documented IT stuff-ups in various government agencies over the past decade, including Victoria's CenITex and Queensland's payroll debacle, Australia's recently installed CIO, Glenn Archer, said ''IT departments or sections within departments'' were the quiet achievers in delivering services in a sector that spends over $6 billion a year in technology.
''There is a great deal of interest in those IT projects that don't go quite according to plan but those that quietly function and deliver major business benefit often never get much mention,'' Mr Archer said, while acknowledging there were problem projects.

Delving into the Quantified Self

Health informatics expert Professor Fernando Martin-Sanchez says that the future of health care will involve shared decision-making between patents and clinicians and will often rely on a range of personal health data patients will collect about themselves.
Martin-Sanchez is Professor and Chair of Health Informatics at the University of Melbourne Medical School and Head of Health and Biomedical Informatics Research Laboratory of IBES (Institute for a Broadband-Enabled Society) and will be speaking about his research at next week’s Health-e-nation conference in Melbourne.

Protecting Patient Privacy and Data Security

Julie K. Taitsman, M.D., J.D., Christi Macrina Grimm, M.P.A., and Shantanu Agrawal, M.D.
N Engl J Med 2013; 368:977-979
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp1215258
On December 4, 2012, two Australian radio DJs called London's King Edward VII's Hospital, identified themselves, in fake British accents, as Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles, and asked about a celebrity patient who had been admitted for pregnancy complications. A nurse, filling in at the reception desk in the early morning hours, answered the phone and, without attempting to verify the callers' identities, transferred them to the duty nurse caring for the Duchess of Cambridge. The duty nurse then provided them with confidential patient information.1 The Australian DJs broadcast the phone call, considering it a humorous prank, but as the world knows, it had disastrous consequences.

AMA rejects physicians’ plea for PIP payments

11th Mar 2013
A CALL by physicians to have the same access to e-health PIP payments and incentives as GPs has been rejected by the AMA.
Royal Australian College of Physicians (RACP) president Associate Professor Leslie Bolitho said last week e-health could not be successful unless all medical practitioners in Australia, including both GPs and specialist physicians, adopted e-health technologies.
This would result in better patient outcomes, particularly for complex chronic patients who saw a multitude of healthcare providers, she said.

Specialists want cut of e-health cash

12 March, 2013 Paul Smith
Specialist physicians are warning key clinical information will be missing from the government's e-health records system unless they get a cut of the Practice Incentive Program funds.
There have been long-running concerns over whether private specialists will use the personally controlled e-health record system, given the low levels of computerisation in their practices.
Although GPs and practice managers have battled to meet the latest ePIP requirements, the Royal Australasian College of Physicians said it wanted the system extended.

Question: FHIR and un-semantic interoperability

Posted on March 12, 2013 by Grahame Grieve
 I did not understand the blog post about un-semantic interoperability.  Can you elaborate?  Will FHIR provide any of this un-semantic interoperability?
Well, the original post on unsemantic interoperability is just pointing out that many people mis-understand the nature of what semantic interoperability is trying to achieve:
We’ve had semantic interoperability in healthcare since we started having healthcare. Since the beginning of healthcare (by whatever definition you can use), healthcare practitioners have exchanged data using spoken and written words, and the semantic meaning has been clear (well, as clear as it can be given that human knowledge is limited).
So whatever it is that we are doing, it’s not introducing semantic interoperability. In fact, what we are doing is introducing a new player into the mix: computers. And not, in actual fact, computers, but the notion that there is something to be gained by processing healthcare information by persons or devices who don’t properly understand it. So, in fact, what we are actually doing is seeking for unsemantic interoperability.

A few seconds can save patients' lives

Date March 11, 2013

Benjamin Preiss

Researchers at Victoria University are working on a new computer program they hope will save patients' lives by predicting their vital signs during surgery.
The researchers say the software could be installed in hospital operating theatres and intensive care units.
The PhysAnalyser program will give a 20-second prediction on patients' physiological signs such as heart and respiratory rates and blood pressure.
Professor Yanchun Zhang said the program conducted ''deep analysis'' on patient data. This would be used to predict risks for patients and ''visualise the future anomalies''.

Guy Sebastian caught out by stalled patent probe

SINGER Guy Sebastian has weighed in on allegations of patent infringement by the Gillard government's National E-Health Transition Authority.
MMRGlobal, the US firm investigating NEHTA for alleged patent infringements, was in talks with Sebastian's management team to fund his planned charitable foundation.
However, discussions have hit a roadblock pending the outcome of the probe, which has been delayed by NEHTA's silence.

Decision Support may be the new e-Medication Management Frontier

Electronic medication management has been adopted at health sites around Australia, but there’s still low clinician adoption of one of the system’s great advantages - decision support protocols.
“It can be hard to change the mindset of prescribers who are used to the old, linear way of writing scripts,” says Professor Ric Day, head of clinical pharmacology at the University of NSW and a key player in the adoption of electronic medication management at St Vincent’s Hospital in Sydney.
Some systems have excellent shortcuts, such as ‘therapy bundles’ where a commonly-grouped medication list can be prescribed in one mouse-click.

Royal Adelaide Hospital puts X-rays in focus

THE Royal Adelaide Hospital has taken steps to quickly identify radiation levels in an X-ray environment - an issue not easily tackled in the past - thanks to new technical smarts.
With the hi-tech equipment, the X-ray radiation dose required for interventional X-ray procedures can be reduced by more than 70 per cent.
Philips' AlluraClarity intervention suite was the hospital's choice when it had to upgrade from its old system, according to intervention neuro-radiologist Dr Rebecca Scroop and campus clinical head of radiology Dr Mary Moss.

Healthy diagnosis for Terry White Chemists

RETAIL pharmacy franchise Terry White Chemists was halfway through a long-term enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation project when it diagnosed a problem.
To support the launch of its new website, the company required a quick and easy stock master data management solution.
Terry White Chemists, which was established in 1959, is one of Australia's top 20 retailers and claims a 9 per cent share of the pharmacy market, with more than 160 franchises nationwide.

AMA calls for review of Medicare Locals

12th Mar 2013
THE AMA has given its strongest endorsement of Medicare Locals (MLs), calling on both political parties to commit to a pre-election review to ensure the new primary healthcare bodies have “substance, purpose, meaning and direction”.
With the Coalition seen as a strong chance to win the 14 September federal election, MLs are anxious about their future, following shadow health minister Peter Dutton’s labelling of the 61 bodies as wasteful bureaucracies.
In an opinion piece in MO this week, AMA president Dr Steve Hambleton wrote while his organisation had initially opposed MLs, “trying to undo all the contracts and leases and management structures would be quite complex and expensive to accomplish in the first year of a Coalition government”.

Coalition 'will abolish' all Medicare Locals

A COALITION government would run the ruler over primary healthcare, abolishing Medicare Locals in favour of new links between GPs and public hospitals as part of efforts to redirect hundreds of millions of dollars each year.
Federal Health Minister Tanya Plibersek warned the opposition not to try to replicate the slash-and-burn approach of conservative state governments, saying the Medical Local structure, introduced by Labor less than 12 months ago, was starting to show positive results for patients.
Opposition health spokesman Peter Dutton said yesterday Medicare Locals had created about 3000 extra taxpayer-funded positions across Australia and "the guiding principle of the Coalition will be to take money away from bureaucratic wages and put it into frontline services".

The hackers have come, the hackers have come

Alan Kohler 11/03/2013
This morning’s revelations in the Financial Review that the Reserve Bank of Australia has been repeatedly hacked means we can almost certainly now add Australia to the list of 141 countries that have been hacked by China’s Unit 61398.
The AFR has reported that multiple computers within the RBA’s network have been compromised and that it had been infiltrated by a Chinese-developed malicious software, or ‘malware’ spy program, that was seeking intelligence on sensitive G20 negotiations.
Officials from the Reserve Bank’s risk management unit are quoted as saying in a previously unreported Freedom of Information document: “Bank assets could have been potentially compromised, leading to . . . information loss and reputation [damage].”

Fake fingers fool the boss in hospital scam

Date March 14, 2013
Five doctors at a Brazilian hospital have been suspended for allegedly covering for absentee colleagues by using fake silicone fingers to fool biometric machines.
Thaune Nunes Ferreira was arrested on Sunday for signing in six co-workers to the biometric employee attendance device at a hospital in Ferraz de Vasconcelos, Sao Paulo.

Rover shows Mars could have supported life

Date March 13, 2013 - 10:36AM

Alicia Chang

NASA's Curiosity rover has answered a key question about Mars: the red planet previously had some of the right ingredients needed to support primitive life.
The evidence comes from a chemical analysis by Curiosity, which last month flexed its robotic arm to drill into a fine-grained rock and then test the powder.
If this water was around and you had been on the planet, you would have been able to drink it. 
John Grotzinger, California Institute of Technology
Curiosity is the first spacecraft sent to Mars that could collect a sample from deep inside a rock, and scientist said they hit pay dirt with that first rock.
"We have found a habitable environment that is so benign and supportive of life that probably if this water was around and you had been on the planet, you would have been able to drink it," said chief scientist John Grotzinger of the California Institute of Technology.

'God particle' found: physicists say they have discovered a Higgs boson

Date March 15, 2013 - 5:44AM

John Heilprin

The search is all but over for the so-called God particle that is a crucial building block of the universe.
Physicists said on Thursday they believe they have discovered the sub-atomic particle predicted nearly half a century ago, which will go a long way toward explaining what gives electrons and all matter in the universe size and shape.
The elusive particle, called a Higgs boson, was predicted in 1964 to help fill in our understanding of the creation of the universe, which many theorise occurred in a massive explosion known as the Big Bang.
The particle was named for Peter Higgs, one of the physicists who proposed its existence, but it later became popularly known as the God particle.