This appeared last week:
Paul Shetler, Lisa Paul, Alex Zelinsky, Renee Leon, Peter Fleming and the policy shapers
- The Australian
- December 11, 2015 12:00AM
Pasul Shetler: “Simpler, clearer, faster public services.”
We cannot forget the people with the responsibility for bringing both government and Australia’s innovation policy into the 21st century.
In policy — one of the most reviewed and workshopped domains there is — simplicity, coherence and impact are the new themes. These are the people demonstrating the change they want to see. They all speak of a new openness, a permission culture, the need to flatten hierarchies and dismantle silos. Forgiveness, not permission, will have to be their new motto.
Martin Bowles, Secretary, Commonwealth Department of Health: Martin Bowles speaks of a new public service with open-minded leaders and a “permission culture” which encourages information sharing. He touts a move from “very tactical thinking” to “think[ing] strategically about our health system”. Trial and error, learning from mistakes and the use of big data analytics to make decisions are the new mantras. Change across the department is designed to encourage public servants to shift to being “stewards of the system”, not the owners. Bowles’ department is challenged to deliver better health outcomes to Australians at lower cost through encouraging competition.
Peter Fleming, CEO, National E-Health Transition Authority: Peter Fleming leads Australia’s National E-Health Transition Authority, a government body supporting the uptake of digital solutions. He has led the rollout of a $467 million project to deliver the e-health record system — a summary of a patient’s health. It is a vital part of the health-reform agenda to make the system more agile and sustainable. NEHTA manages a world-class data service of product information in Australia. This year it released a number of new services for GPs, hospitals and pharmacies, which will help to create a critical mass of users and improve the implementation of digital solutions in the sector.
Lots more here:
I pass on these vignettes without comment!
Enjoy and feel free to comment yourself.
Hmm, starting at the beginning:
Paul Shetler, CEO, Digital Transformation Office: Shetler was recruited by Malcolm Turnbull to head up the federal government’s Digital Transformation Office .... Shetler’s experience transforming the UK Ministry of Justice as chief digital officer informs his strategy.
As it happens, here's a report from the UK today:
Software error could mean thousands of divorce cases re-opened
The error comes as a huge embarrassment for the Ministry of Justice and went unnoticed by solicitors and court officials for 20 months
Oh. Dear.
Bodes well
On of the things that the PCEHR has exposed is how unreliable the medication data from scripts actually is. Scripts are commonly assigned to the wrong person on a medicare card and the prescription data is to unreliable to actually use for anything important.
Its getting this level of data reliable that would allow a lot of useful things to be built on top of it. Its never easy building on a swamp and a lot of time has to be spent on foundations like getting good quality data. If you brush this side of the build aside and just want to get out of the ground so you have something to show the politicians and brag about you will soon find your money has been wasted and basically you have show after years of work and billions of dollars. That exactly where we are now. They keep plastering over the cracks as they appear but it will eventually fall down. If they called in some real expertise they would get the unwelcome message that they need to stop poor good money after bad. I don't think they like expertise, but they love generic management that moves on before what they have built is condemned. This sounds like whats happened here. And here...
Anonymous, you are correct re the PCEHR demonstrating how unreliable data from scripts are. However this has been know for years. If I understand the remainder of your posting then the PCEHR is not the appropriate nor adequate solution. Correct? The "information management model of the PCEHR" is not and very unlikely to provide the solutions for issues such as these. My recent 3 month sababtical in Chile and papers presented at MEDINFO in São Paulo demonstrated that there are adaptable solutions available. On comparative measures the EHR/EMR project at the Universidad Catolica, Santiago, Chile would be 20 years ahead of Australian developments.
20 years ahead of Australian developments!!! That's what I call a BIG CALL!
Terry is an expert recognised both here and in the US with Health Informatics Fellowships. I suspect he is being conservative in saying 20 years behind. I suspect in terms of practical, useful impact on clinical care it might be even MORE!
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