Quote Of The Year

Timeless Quotes - Sadly The Late Paul Shetler - "Its not Your Health Record it's a Government Record Of Your Health Information"


H. L. Mencken - "For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong."

Thursday, January 09, 2020

You Can Be Sure The ADHA Is Watching This Data Breach With Some Concern!

This appeared very recently.

Personal health data remains secure after ransomware attack, says Saskatchewan’s eHealth CEO

Pragya Sehgal

Published: January 8th, 2020
The computer system storing confidential health data of the residents of Saskatchewan was attacked over the weekend, disrupting a number of eHealth Saskatchewan’s services, according to eHealth’s website.

The attack on eHealth, which leads all IT services for the Saskatchewan Health Authority, began Sunday morning and is now being examined by the employees of eHealth, Cisco Systems and Microsoft. Jim Hornell, chief executive officer of eHealth Saskatchewan, told the CBC that eHealth staff is assessing 110 servers that may have been attacked.

eHealth said it’s unaware of the amount of time it will take to fix the issue and resume normal operations. Patient data is secure and no information has been stolen, according to Hornell.

The CBC article went on to say that some of the information on the company’s computer system was encrypted and locked by the attackers who demanded a ransom in return for unlocking it. Hornell said he is not aware of specific demands being been made and that eHealth Saskatchewan would not be negotiating with the attackers in any way. The organization has informed the RCMP about the attack.

Here is the link:


I guess the only saving grace is that the technolology used in the #myHealthRecord is probably so old that there is no 'ransomware' designed to attack it.

Does anyone know if the #myHR would be immune? I am sure most pharmacy and GP systems are not.


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