Quote Of The Year

Timeless Quotes - Sadly The Late Paul Shetler - "Its not Your Health Record it's a Government Record Of Your Health Information"


H. L. Mencken - "For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong."

Sunday, December 24, 2017

This Is The Strangest Story I Have Come Across This Year. I Still Am Not Sure What Is Going On.

Early last week Google threw up this alert.

Jailbird Curtis’ $60m cryptocoin scheme

CORPORATE crook Oliver Curtis is back in business as the boss of a hi-tech venture trading in your personal medical records — which he is kickstarting via $60 million raised through the super-risky Bitcoin market. Five months since walking free from jail after….
A bit of hunting around then revealed this:

Roxy Jacenko’s hubby Oliver Curtis joins hi-tech family venture funded through Bitcoin trading in medical records

JENNIFER SEXTON, Exclusive, The Daily Telegraph
December 18, 2017 12:00am
CORPORATE crook Oliver Curtis is back in business as the boss of a hi-tech venture trading in your personal medical records — which he is kickstarting via $60 million raised through the super-risky Bitcoin market.
Five months since walking free from jail after serving a year for insider trading, the husband of PR queen Roxy Jacenko is knocking on the doors of professional investors seeking to raise funds in the unregulated market of cryptocurrency tokens.
The Daily Telegraph can exclusively reveal Mr Curtis has this week been appointed boss of E-Nome — setting him on a collision course with corporate cops likely to scrutinise whether it is in compliance with the company bans handed out as part of his conviction.
“Oli is back in the saddle in a big way,” his father Nick Curtis — a respected businessman who is also the co-founder and chair of E-Nome — told The Daily Telegraph.
 “We are really proud to have him leading the team.”
E-Nome has ambitions of being the app of choice for people to access, manage and even anonymously sell their own My Health Record data. My Health is the government’s official database of health records.
Oliver Curtis is pitching to investors the first stage of a two-part sale of up to $60 million in a new cryptocurrency dubbed Nomes to pay for the cost of making the app available.
His father said Oliver, who is banned from managing corporations and from being a director until June 2022, was enjoying the role.
He said his son was working hard to get the company off the ground.
“I’m very pleased that he’s engaged in this process and he’s enjoying it and doing well,” Nick Curtis said.
More here – If a subscriber.
This led me to this very flash web-site:
When you go to the “About Us” you get this:

E-Nome: mobile| medical records

E-Nome is an Australian based private company that has developed a patent pending system based on blockchain technology that empowers consumers to take control of their medical history on their smartphone, with ultimate security and privacy. The system allows consumers to anonymously share their data to participate and assist in medical research.
There is an interesting video here - only about 2 mins - that explains the big idea:
The Board of the organisation also has some impressive members and their relationship with the Garvan Institute adds considerable credibility.
Next this appeared:

Statement on Daily Telegraph article regarding use of medical records

Created on Monday, 18 December 2017
My Health Record is a secure electronic health record, which enables health care providers and consumers to share health information securely.
This includes critical health information like pathology reports, diagnostic imaging, medications information and health summaries uploaded by authorised health professionals. A person, or their authorised representative, can securely view their My Health Record via accredited channels - but cannot download content. Accredited channels may include authorised applications and portals, such as Tyde. A person wanting to view their My Health Record via a mobile application, must first undergo an authorisation process. Additionally, a person can revoke at any time their approval for an application to access their My Health Record.
The Australian Digital Health Agency (The Agency) has contacted Tyde Australia (a registered Portal Operator for the My Health Record) in relation to the claims published in the Daily Telegraph today.
The Agency has been assured that the article is incorrect in relation to any operational involvement of E-Nome in the operation of the Tyde consumer application. Additionally, it is currently not possible for a mobile application to download information from the My Health Record system.
The My Health Record Act does not permit a third party to sell a healthcare recipient’s information without the Healthcare Recipient’s consent and other legislation, such as the Healthcare Identifiers Act and Privacy Act, strictly regulates the use of healthcare identifiers and other personal information.
The Agency understands Tyde will be publishing a media response correcting the Daily Telegraph article.
Media contact: Belinda Newham, Director Communications
Mob: 0466 772 312 Email: media@digitalhealth.gov.au
Here is the link:
The next day this appeared:

Rebuffed by the ADHA, E-Nome looks to GP and hospital systems to enable people to access their health information and sell it on

Lynne Minion | 19 Dec 2017
The Australian Digital Health Agency has denied claims by technology start-up E-Nome that patients will be able to access their My Health Record and sell their medical data to researchers, governments, pharmaceutical companies and insurers via the company’s upcoming app.
But head of E-Nome Nick Curtis has told Healthcare IT News Australia the My Health Record data isn't crucial to the success of the company's platform, with plans to integrate into GP, hospital, allied health services and wearables systems, enabling people to trade their most private of information, including genomes.
The Daily Telegraph reported on Monday that E-Nome was seeking investors to fund the development of its online platform.
According to the company's Position Paper, the app will allow individuals to share their de-identified health data with whomever they choose.
“E-Nome’s business is about providing a platform by which the consumer is empowered to be placed in the middle of a global market worth billions of dollars a year trading their data,” E-Nome’s position paper says.
“Current data collection and transfer is managed by major corporate intermediaries. These corporate intermediaries profit directly from the inefficiency and constraints in data collection. E-Nome is seeking to disintermediate data transfer in the health sector.”
The company is seeking to raise revenue by offering a new crypto-currency called Nomes for sale and hopes a two-stage investment process raises up to $60 million to fund the development of the “E-Nome Ecosystem”, including the E-Nome App, E-Nome Research Portal, E-Nome Medical Practitioners Portal, E-Nome Electronic Data Warehouse and the E-Nome Core.

It claims an initial $10 million would be used as a strategic investment for 30 per cent of Tyde, a registered Portal Operator with the Australian Government Digital Health Agency and My Health Record, which would be “the first key pillar to delivering partnership content onto the E-Nome platform,” E-Nome’s position paper said until Monday when the claim was deleted.
Vastly more here:
Somewhere is all this is Tyde which has a website here:
It says that is puts you in control of your health information via apps for iOS and Android.:
Having read all this it seems to me that the best thing to do with all this is wait till the new year and see how it all plays out. Just who is doing what with whom, how the myHR is involved, if at all, is utterly unclear and there must be some clarifying fundamentals I am missing or this is all some sort of very odd fantasy!
I will report back when I am clearer – any explanatory comments welcome!
Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

You would need a more flexible and interoperable platform than the current MyHR to achieve this. Interesting concept though, certainly puts a consumer in control.

Anonymous said...

My local medial centre is pushing MediTracker


MediTracker gives you direct access to your medical summary held by your GP, putting you in greater control of your health.

MediTracker keeps you safer 24/7, in emergencies and out of GP hours. It gives you immediate access to your latest health information, anywhere at any time.

How is MediTracker different from My Health Record?

If you have a My Health Record, and your GP has uploaded your shared health summary to My Health Record, the summary is available as a static (PDF) ‘document’. Whilst it is a snapshot of your main clinical indicators, the information is not updated unless your GP chooses to upload another summary. MediTracker, however, is updated whenever your GP updates your medical record at the practice, so will always contain your most up-to-date medications.

MediTracker also collects more information than the current My Health Record. For example, it collects and shows standard pathology results, like cholesterol levels and blood glucose levels. It also tracks key measurements taken by your GP, such as blood pressure and BMI, and graphs this information over time.

With your consent, MediTracker also shares your self measurements extracted from Apple Health or Google Fit with your care team.

It also does appointments.

Merry Christmas ADHA, it may very well be your last.

Anonymous said...

MediTracker is the cdmNet cloud solution developed by Michael Georgeff's Precedence software company now owned by Sonic's subsidiary IPN.

Why is the ADHA and Tim Kelsey so silently mute on this development? Is it a better alternative to the ADHA's? Is it threatening the ADHA's raison d'être? Is it an inconvenient truth? Is it because it has not been developed by government bureaucrats? Is it because Sonic won't sell / licence it to the government? Is it because the destructive malignant attitudes prevailing across the health system is one of "Whatever you can do I can do better?"

Anonymous said...

MediTracker isn't even mentioned here


Anonymous said...

Strange that the media release from Adha says “Additionally, it is currently not possible for a mobile application to download information from the My Health Record system.”. Elsewhere on the Adha site it describes the tyde app “Tyde is an application that puts you at the centre of your health, securely consolidating all your health information in one place, giving you secure fingerprint access to all your records. Tyde allows you to create your very own ‘personal health journal’, so no details are lost along the way.”
And here is how tyde describes their interaction:
“Tyde will download the following information from My Health Record:
1. Patient Details
2. Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme data
3. Medicare Benefits Schedule”

Anonymous said...

Good job it is just a finger print pattern, as the clearly cannot distinguish their ass from their elbow. You can only imagine the ADHA is a collection of marketing people and cultural change guru’s running around pumping each other up.

I do hope we see some change as the ADHA evolves, the road ahead is going to become technically and policy complex, motivation posters and group hug sessions, staged videos and fancy graphs won’t get them or us far.

Still the CEO and others are not silly or inexperienced and I am sure they realise it is time to put the crayons down and get to work.

Anonymous said...

This ADHA comedy reminds me of Telstra under Sol Trujillo. Eventually Sol and his 3 amigos filled their saddlebags with lots of money and rode off into the sunset back to America from whence they came leaving behind a very sick company. Now dear Tim and his GMs don't seem to be all that different