Quote Of The Year

Timeless Quotes - Sadly The Late Paul Shetler - "Its not Your Health Record it's a Government Record Of Your Health Information"


H. L. Mencken - "For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong."

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

The Victorian Government Once Again Expresses A Lack Of Faith In The #myHealthRecord.

I noticed this a few days ago.

My Cancer Care Record

My Cancer Care Record is a resource that supports people affected by cancer to store and record their medical and health-related information in one place.

It provides tips on questions and information to ask health professionals.  It can also assist you to record specific details that you may be frequently asked and find hard to remember.

MY CANCER CARE RECORD is not connected with, associated with, or endorsed by the
Australian Government, The Australian Digital Health Agency or the MY HEALTH RECORD system.  Should you wish to register for a My Health Record or find out more about the MY HEALTH RECORD system, you can find this at htttp://www.myhealthrecord.gov.au

The folder has eight key sections to help you organise your medical information.

Click on the relevant heading in the table below to find information and pages relating to that section:





Financial & legal

Tests & results

Health Summary









The folder is aimed at helping with issues related to managing information when you have multiple treatments provided by multiple people, across different services and over long periods of time. It can assist you to be able to communicate across the variety of health care professionals involved in your care.

My Cancer Care Record can also help the clinicians working with you.  It can provide easy access to information they often require such as:

  •          copies of your test results and letters from other hospitals/doctors
  •          current medication, medical and family history, current treatment schedules
  •          details of side effects & symptoms you might have had since your last appointment
  •          contact details of other clinicians involved in your care

The development of My Cancer Care Record has been led by a very dedicated consumer group – people with their own personal experience of cancer. Clinical expertise has been provided by health care professionals across a variety of cancer health care services, including Cancer Council Victoria.

Here is the link:


So it seems those with experience of living will a complex protracted illness want to have a simple paper folder, with a range of sections, that can keep all their data accessible and available and which allows them to review where they are anytime they want, rather than a #myHR.

I find it amusing that the page wants to make is clear this is nothing to do with the #myHealthRecord even though the goals of the folder and the #myHR are so similar in terms of making important information accessible and available!

Pity the ADHA’s current work is not focussed on making the #myHealthRecords a genuinely useful and desired answer for the patients cited here. If they did maybe we could see some real return on the billions of dollars spent.

Has anyone actually heard specifically just what improvements are planned in the ‘replatforming’ or is it all going to be ‘under the hood’?




Anonymous said...

So, why have they provided a link to My Health Record?

Anonymous said...

re: why have they provided a link to My Health Record?

So that people who actually want to go to My Health Record (and there must occasionally be a few) will know where to go.

Bernard Robertson-Dunn said...

MyHR was supposed to reduce fragmented health data - and hasn't and can't, no matter how many re-platforming and ecosystem initiatives ADHA try.

There is no way health data can be "defragmented" as long as the health system itself if fragmented.

The AMA has woken up to the failings of the current system and is proposing that it gets fixed:

We need a joined-up health system: AMA

However, they think that the problems can be fixed by linking primary care, general practice and the state hospital systems.

Good luck with that.

IMHO, there is only one way to fix the current fragmentation - the Federal Government gets gives up any pretense of delivering health care services and pays the states on a form of per capita basis.

That would still leave a fragmented healthcare service - public/private. Which leaves the real unknown - is the Federal Government more interested in running down the public system so people will abandon it in favour of health insurance and the private system?

Whatever happens, if anything, you can be sure of one thing, MyHr will not address the problems of a fragmented healthcare system. The world has moved on since MyHR was originally proposed. It has failed to deliver and other solutions are being developed and adopted (e.g. My Cancer Care Record, My Digital Health Record, Smartphone apps etc etc.)

There's a lot in common with the government's attempt to acquire a nuclear submarine .
Whatever the government does, they will not get what they thought they wanted years ago. They have wasted over two billion dollars and whatever they decide to do next will not see the light of day for decades, and then be obsolete.

And what is the common factor? It's the same bunch of politicians - both Coalition and Labor.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps ask the A/ Product Manager Interoperability Platform at Australian Digital Health Agency. Australian Digital Health Agency.

Lookup this and other ADHA positions and you can clearly see a large consultancy has cultivated a lovely feeding ground under the former CEO.

Anonymous said...

How could someone who was "Passionate about human-centred design and how to apply design thinking at work in Operations" help when it comes to an interoperability platform?

I've no doubts she is good at doing what she trained for (service management), but it seems a skills mismatch.

G. Carter said...

What even is an interoperability platform? None of this is surprising, the CDO for starters

Long Live T.38 said...

G. Carter, that sort of platform is many things to many different people. In the context of the ADHA and its strategic promise to solve data challenges. My assumption in the context is that you should be able to throw any terminology at it, and it maps to any other relevant terminology seamless and securely. I would also assume something like AMT, the underlying model that facilities translations/mappings. If it is just another way of compiling ROT information, then they have the right person running it.

Anonymous said...

By definition, everything in MyHR is ROT (redundant, obsolete, trivial). All the data is from and in other systems, it is old and is a trivial summary or test data without context.

Chris Wallace said...

MyROT, has a nice ring to it. Replatforminv is bound to end up a rebranding exercise like last time