Do you think there is a balance of benefits and risks being provided with this presentation? Why are these people wandering all over the country to chat with small groups?
Read the article and check for yourself the level of balance.
Port Stephens Probus Club hears from experts on My Health Record
TALKS: Frances Wathen from Hunter New England and Central Coast Primary
Health Network, Dr Michael Bainbridge from Australian Digital Health
Agency and Port Stephens Probus Club president Ann Gibson.
Australian Government’s digital health record system, My Health Record,
was the focus of a recent Port Stephens Probus Club meeting.
I suspect not....this is unalloyed propaganda - and it will destroy trust I believe. Is the ADHA so horrified with the response of ordinary Australians to opt-out that they resort to this in a tiny country town? Pretty desperate I reckon! And very sad.... I wonder how much the taxpayer paid for all this?
I would say without counting support costs probably 25k. The certainly are dragging out whoever they can find.
The ADHA is talking with the wrong people. The people who matter now are GPs and Senators. They will not be quite so gullible or easily hoodwinked.
It certainly seems they are keen to go where ever people are not going to probe and ask questions.
The ADHA is talking at the wrong people - quite agree, it would seem the are making great effort to completely ignore some
As sound as his credentials might be, I find no evidence this chap is a practicing Doctor or indeed ever been one in Australia
Mike is a fine Health Informatician who I am sure knows full well there are all sorts of issues with the myHR and playing a big part in campaigns like this can not do any of us any good!
My beef is NOT with him but with those who set all this unthinking drivel up!
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